
About us

Youth for change and development (YFCD)

Youth Organization for Change and Reconstruction: A non-optional, creative and developmental voluntary organization. It was established in December 2018 as a youth service initiative (medical care for the needy – financial support for destitute patients – care for street children – sponsoring orphans, psychological support for those psychologically affected by wars and conflict (after-after-punishment). Psychological (…and other humanitarian services) and the work continued for more than 5 months.
It has been agreed among all members to complete the membership of this qualitative and large initiative by registering it as an independent, independent charitable volunteer organization, which is in line with all voluntary and humanitarian organizations and emphasizes serving the needy, regardless of their race, color, religion, and political ideology.

It has already been registered in accordance with the Law of Organizations and Work. In the United Kingdom of Britain as a charitable organization under the number (14889337) in the name of the Youth Organization for Change and Reconstruction in Sudan No. (T.NO 5502) in December of the year 2019 AD in order to continue the path of development and reconstruction in Sudan.

Vision :

It was established as an institutional expression of youth will that derives its components from the principles of values and the Sudanese cultural and civilizational heritage, in order to implement humanitarian work in accordance with the Law of Voluntary Organizations to contribute to the process of conceptual and behavioral change, national reconstruction, and popular solidarity with high effectiveness and efficiency.


The organization aims to achieve the following:

1. Reuniting and strengthening 5,000 qualified Sudanese cadres from all over the world in more than 34 fields or specializations to implement national programs that contribute to change and reconstruction projects in Sudan in cooperation with some donor institutions.
2. Contributing to the processes of conceptual change and national reconstruction that keeps pace with global development in all fields, promoting public behavior, and combating harmful concepts and customs in Sudanese society.
3. Paying attention to supporting, rehabilitating, and caring for vulnerable social segments (orphans, needy students, the poor and needy, the elderly, widows, unsupported children, street children, the disabled, victims of wars, the displaced, refugees, and others).
4. Contributing to the training of professionals, craftsmen, and technicians to improve the level of services, increase their income, contribute to economic mobility, and contribute to raising the quality of services provided to citizens.
5. Trying to contribute to improving the work environment and inputs by providing some modern equipment for craftsmen.
6. Encouraging the idea of participatory group work and cooperative societies.
7. Promoting public health in the field of health education, environmental sanitation, afforestation, and public gardening, combating habits harmful to health, and promoting family and child health.

8. Supporting health services in the country, especially in less developed regions, by rehabilitating existing health institutions and working to establish new charitable health institutions; And work to supply medical and health devices and equipment from external and internal donors and provide training opportunities for health personnel.
9. Fighting addiction by providing innovative and creative awareness and guidance packages and contributing to the treatment and rehabilitation of addicts.
10. Contributing to the fight against human trafficking; Raising youth awareness of the dangers of illegal immigration and introducing stability projects; An alternative to thinking about illegal immigration, through coordination and partnership with institutions related to this matter, inside and outside Sudan.
11. Implementing the Youth Change and Reconstruction Initiative to reunite Sudanese abroad and include them within Sudanese social and service institutions (communities – organizations – associations) and work to contain the intellectual, political and tribal differences tearing apart the social fabric inside and outside Sudan.
12. Human development, capacity building, training and vocational qualification, and advancing industrial, agricultural and vocational development efforts.
13. Combating illiteracy in all its forms, especially technical illiteracy, conducting scientific studies and research related to the organization’s objectives, and working to combat the phenomenon of educational loss and school dropout.
14. Developing education in the country in terms of the educational environment, qualifying and training teachers, and constructing and rehabilitating educational institutions.
15. Paying attention to the issues and care of women and children, combating violence against them, and promoting a culture of protection and a safe environment for children.
16. Contributing to community development by establishing small projects, financing them for targeted families and transforming them into productive families, and working to employ youth and combat unemployment.

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